Conjunctivitis asia singapore

Singapore’s Conjunctivitis Cases Rocket by 75%

A massive upsurge in conjunctivitis cases has been recorded in Singapore this year. Compared to 2022, daily recorded cases between January and July 2023 witnessed an alarming 75% rise. Polyclinics noted an average of 63 acute conjunctivitis cases daily, a significant hike from the 36 daily cases reported in the same period last year.

phantom limb
Foot Health

Phantom Limb Pain: The Unseen Ache of Lost Limbs

Phantom limb pain, a mysterious and often debilitating condition, affects many amputees. Despite the loss of a limb, these individuals continue to feel pain, itching, or other sensations in the absent body part. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the causes of phantom limb pain, current theories behind the phenomenon, and the available treatment options for those affected.

philippines healthcare care

Weekly Asian Medical News Bulletin – 21 July 2023

Medical Channel Asia presents the weekly Asian medical news bulletin, bringing you essential healthcare news from across the region. This week’s bulletin will look at healthcare improvements in the region.


Keto Diet: Benefits and Risks of a High-Fat, Low-Carb Lifestyle

The ketogenic (keto) diet, which involves consuming high amounts of fat, moderate amounts of protein, and minimal carbohydrates, has gained widespread popularity in recent years. Despite its success in helping many individuals lose weight and improve their health, the keto diet remains a controversial topic among nutrition experts. In this article, we will examine the benefits and risks associated with this dietary approach.


The Unseen Foe: Exploring the ACL Injury Epidemic at Women’s World Cup

As the Women’s World Cup gets underway, we look at an epidemic looming over women’s football. This epidemic has caused the absence of several significant players from the World Cup. The culprit is a series of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries, an issue plaguing many of the sport’s leading figures, causing worry and uncertainty within the community.